Get the Best Equity Home Loan Rate []

Get the Best Equity Home Loan Rate [] : A home equity loan means borrowing money from a bank against the equity that you currently have in your home. The equity is the value of your home minus the amount of the mortgage that you have. Home Equity Loans

Nationwide, 45 percent of home-loan borrowers have less than 20 percent equity in their homes, CoreLogic says. Sellers would generally need at least 20 percent equity to generate enough cash to turn around and buy a similar or larger home using a ... Negative home equity slows housing recovery

Home equity Loans are the loans taken by keeping home equity as collateral security. Home equity is the difference in the current price of your house and the amount of loan that is due. If it is in the positive you can use it as a collateral security when taking loan. Home equity loans rate may differ from borrower to borrower. Home is one of your biggest asset so why not put it to good use. There are some very good places where you can put it to use. These are:

• While taking loan for renovation of your house.

• To buy some other property.

• To pay off loans which or debts taken on very high rate of interest.

• Pay off the medical bills.

• Paying for the education of your children.

Before taking a loan everybody should know what kinds of loans are available and the jargons used in the documents while sanctioning the loan.

They mostly have hidden clauses and one can also take the help of a professional to understand these.

There are many different types of loans available in the market. These are as follows:

• Recourse loan - The lender can extract the loan amount you have taken in case of default even if you have provided collateral security.

• Non recourse loan - Here that lender can only go to the extent of foreclosing your collateral security in case of default. He cannot extract the amount from you.

• Secured debt - When a collateral security is provided against which the loan is sanctioned, it is known as secured debt or loan.

• Unsecured debt - It is a general loan when no security is provided to the lender.

• Dis chargeable debt - These kinds can are done away with at the time of bankruptcy.

• Non dis chargeable debt - These are debts that cannot be done away with even in case of bankruptcy.

Home equity loans are of two types.

These are:

• Closed end - In these kinds of loan the lender issues the whole amount of loan at one go. After this the borrower cannot ask for more. Things like income of the person, repayment history and the current value of the assets is taken into consideration to arrive at the maximum amount of loan that can be granted. The interest rate is also fixed.

• Open end - In this case an initial maximum amount of loan that can be sanctioned is decided by using the same rules as in closed end but this limit is flexible which can be increased according to the requirement from time to time and these loans are based on the current value of the security.

Home equity loan rate is an important factor and one must compare all the rates being offered in the market. So, before you get started with your customary gung ho, it is a good idea to first learn about loans.

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