Who is the Best Mortgage Lender for Your New Home? [mortgageapproved.blogspot.com]

Who is the Best Mortgage Lender for Your New Home? [mortgageapproved.blogspot.com]

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Interest rates and other costs are usually the benchmark most people use when deciding on a mortgage lender. Numbers alone should however not sway your decision when choosing a lender. Below are five important considerations to make when choosing a lender:

Compare Fees and Lending Rates

The first step is to compare loans on their annual performance rates. Ask the lender to provide a complete breakdown of the loan by writing a statement of good faith for all the costs you will incur.

Lenders are legally obliged to provide you with the form which is more detailed than the overview document. The document lists all the hidden charges like prepayment penalties for defaults.

Individual Circumstances

You should search for lenders who offer mortgage loans that suit your personal circumstances. Bigger lenders are not necessarily better than smaller ones.

If you have special or unique borrowing needs, you should look for a lender who understands your situation and is flexible on terms of the mortgage.

Consider the Type of Loan

Nowadays there are a number of loan options for families wishing buy new homes. The lender should give you an overview of the different types of mortgage loans they offer. These may range from conventional fixed rate mortgages and adjustable rate loans to new options like hybrid ARM's and optional ARM's. The lender can assess your financial situation and match it with a suitable mortgage option.

Flexible Terms

Inquire from each lender about their policy regarding locking in their quoted rates.

Ask whether they charge a fee for this service. Also, ask them to amend one of the terms of their loan agreement. You are looking for flexibility and responsiveness regarding the terms of their services.

A reasonable lender should work towards finding a solution to your individual circumstances and not try to push an option to you. If they show a lot of rigidness with their terms, it is best to search for a more flexible lender since the relationship is long term.

Run a Back-ground Check on the Lender

If you have never worked with a particular lender before, it is recommended that you conduct a background check from people who have. It is important to find out the opinion of other people who have worked with the lender so you do not get any nasty surprises.

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